Board of Selectmen Meeting via Zoom

Webinar ID 958 6145 6351
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 - 9:00am

Board of Selectmen Agenda
November 25, 2020 @ 9:00 AM 

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1. Call to Order.
2. Approve the November 12, 2020, selectmen meeting minutes. 
3. Authorize a quit claim deed for Leith C. & Scott C. Doherty, map 21, block 9, lot 6.
4. Accept the $2,000 donation from the South Congregational Church ($1,000 designated for food assistance and $1,000 designated for fuel assistance).  
5. Accept the $100 donation to the shade tree budget from the Seacoast Garden Club.  
6. Other Business.
7. Approve the November 25, 2020, Treasurer’s Warrant.
8. Adjournment.