Updated Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda (No Executives Session)

Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 6:00pm

Board of Selectmen Agenda
December 28, 2023, @ 6:00 PM

32 North Street

This is an in-person meeting, but the public may join in Zoom webinar format.
Join by computer or mobile device and click on: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83389414629
or go to ZOOM and enter the webinar ID: 833 8941 4629
By phone 1(929) 205 6099 US

  1. Call to Order.
  2. NOT ON THE AGENDA ANYMORE: Executive session per (MRSA 1, §405-6A) for discussion regarding personnel.
  3. Approve the December 14, 2023, selectmen meeting minutes.
  4. Public Forum (This is an opportunity for anyone who wants to address the Board of Selectmen with any issue that is not on the agenda.)
  5. Authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement with the owners of 76 Pier Rd.
  6. Consider the appointment of candidates to the Town Hall Building Committee.
  7. Appoint Jane Evelyn to the Growth Planning Committee with an expiration date of June 2026.
  8. Appoint Anita Carroll to the Kennebunk River Committee with an expiration date of June 2026.
  9. Accept donations:
    1. $50.00 from Madonna Chapter 144, O.E.S., towards the emergency food fund;
    2. $50.00 from an anonymous donor towards the general nurses' account;
    3. $200.00 from an anonymous donor towards the emergency fuel fund;
    4. $1,000.00 from an anonymous towards the emergency fuel fund;
    5. $2,000.00 from The William J.J. Gordon Family Foundation towards food and fuel assistance ($1,000.00 towards fuel and $1,000.00 towards food).
  10. Other Business. 
  11. Approve the December 28, 2023, Treasurer’s Warrant.
  12. Adjournment.