Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 6:00pm

Board of Selectmen Agenda
October 26, 2023, @ 6:00 PM

32 North Street

This is an in-person meeting, but the public may join in Zoom webinar format.
Join by computer or mobile device and click on:
or go to ZOOM and enter the webinar ID: 848 1219 2892
By phone 1(929) 205 6099 US

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approve the October 12, 2023, and October 19, 2023, selectmen meeting minutes.
  3. Public Forum (This is an opportunity for anyone who wants to address the Board of Selectmen with any issue that is not on the agenda.)
  4. Approve the renewal of the following liquor licenses:
    1. The Lost Fire, located at 62 Mills Rd
    2. HAMASA LLC d/b/a 1802 Bed and Breakfast, located at 15 Locket Street.
  5. Sidewalk project update.
  6. Boatswain Lane public street proposal.
  7. Climate Action Planning Taskforce update.
  8. Accept donations towards the general nurses’ account.
    1. $50.00 donation from an anonymous donor
    2. $50.00 donation from an anonymous donor
    3. $200.00 donation from Pam Davis in honor of Lois Badger
    4. $12,500.00 donation from Mary Woodman and the Flynn Family Foundation
  9. Accept a $5,000 donation from Mary Woodman and the Flynn Family Foundation dedicated towards the emergency food fund.
  10. Other Business. 
  11. Approve the October 26, 2023, Treasurer’s Warrant.
  12. Adjournment.